Monday, June 9, 2008

When you are in Love

When you are in Love ......

Tell me, By loving someone,
Do you get get love in return?

It saysLife is full of happiness and sorrows!
where should I search happiness?
Within sorrows?

Am I living on the sapping hope?
Old scars are yet to heal,
then why search for new pains?

I am not where i am,
I search to myself, where I am?
So what, if I am losing the direction?
Isn't the universe is one?

I am not ready to exist,
like a flower, observing serenely,
dying petals, falling to the ground
one by one, selflessly

God, where is my strength?
Tell me, how do I exist?
with revolting revulsions
where purpose ceasing to be a purpose
a bitter realization of selfless love,

Tell me, How do I exist?
with conflicting inner feelings,
with raging conflagration,
worshipping fire, immolating self!

- Devendra